Hey guys, welcome back to my Minecraft let’s play. Haha, just kidding, this isn’t a Minecraft let’s play. But, a fun fact is that my Minecraft videos I put up on youtube in middle and high school are still up and kickin’. Today’s topic is, being sick, playing too much Minecraft, mods, and servers.
I’ve been insanely sick all week, and my sleep schedule isn’t looking good. It’s currently 2 in the morning, and I was essentially up until 6 last morning due to shitty-sick-sleep. And, while today hasn’t been the most productive due to falling in and out of sleep and constant headaches, we’re talkin’ Minecraft mods today. Because I’ve been playing so much Minecraft, I ran into a pretty big issue when dealing with a large redstone build. The redstone build I’m referencing is a massive auto-sorted storage system, and boy, does it have a lot of hoppers, repeaters, and comparators. What’s the issue with this, you may say. The issue is that all of these items take many different base materials to create. For example, a comparator requires 2 redstone torches, 3 smooth stone, and 1 quartz to create. This boils down to the base resources of 3 smooth stone, 2 redstone, 1 quartz, and 1 wooden log (rounded up to the nearest whole resource number). When you’re making a big build like this, there are generally two things you’ll do in regards to keeping track of resources needed. The usual and worse way to do this is to grab resources and craft things as you need it. This results in a wild amount of wasted time running back and forth between chests or locations to gather resources, as well as the risk of slamming your skull through the wall because you didn’t notice that you need to collect 42069 more iron ore for the build you wanted to create. The second choice is to either use a video to reference for your build that has the resource requirements laid out, or a mod that allows you to import the build into a schematic and keep track of resources gathered for you. This ends up saving you a lot of time, as you can put all of the required build materials within a set of shulker boxes to keep on you while you’re building. Now, what’s the issue with this? Welcome, the not-so-good crafting mechanics in Minecraft.
When getting into crafting a number of items that isn’t divisible by 64, you run into some really annoying math that, at least for silly ‘ol me, is hard to do mentally. I don’t want to have to think about this. I want a system within Minecraft itself, that I can type into a search by an Item name, as well as the desired quantity. Off of that, I want to be shown how many of each base material (e.g redstone, logs, iron, etc) that I need to craft that many of said item. This issue in and of itself is annoying enough to really get on my nerves during large scale redstone builds, and I’m going to explore the world of Minecraft modding, and try to make at least a shitty version of a solution to this.
Today, I only accomplished getting all of the dependencies installed for Fabric, a modloader for Minecraft, also offers server-side solution to run you Minecraft servers with, as well as a modding API. I was testing extremely basic stuff out while trying to learn some stuff, but because of how dangerous it can be to use Mixins, which are essentially things that you can use to alter Minecraft’s source code, I will need to setup a development server for me to test my client-side mods on as to avoid being banned on the servers I play on in the case that my shitty code triggers anticheat. But, yea, that’s all folks, and tomorrow we will make progress on hosting the Minecraft server.