
Sup. Today we had a real cool Christmas party on the Minecraft server I play on. It was fun, and I’m looking forward to being 100% stress free when I go back home in the next few days. I’ll have about 3 weeks until I start my full time Software Engineering job, and it’ll give me a nice buffer period to think about things.

In the meantime, I’ve been workin’ on the Minecraft mod. Last post I believe I talked about the idea of a better-minecraft-crafting mod versus a more data-hoarding project, and initially I picked the latter. But, I’m now doing the Minecraft mod. It’s much more interesting, and it’ll be a good challenge for myself. But, something that I encountered today as I got more into the weeds was definitely a harsh reality of making Minecraft mods. Freqent updates. Recently, Mojang has switched from a schedule of only doing major releases, to doing both major and minor releases. So far, these minor releases have been coming very frequently, and there are so many technical changes in these recent ones.

The first major goal of the mod is to simply create a sub-UI within the crafting UI to interact with, and to test that I’ve been working to make an item with an inventory (e.g a crafting table). This is a pretty fundamental piece of Minecraft modding, but unfortunately due to all of the recent changes, the Javadocs aren’t the most useful, and you need to resort to reading through recent Blog posts, and sift through changes to things that you think may be relavant to you. If you’re already familiar with modding, this is more of a tedious than difficult task. As a newer modder, though, it makes the learning curve much more difficult.

Anyways, very short post today and not much else to talk about. Progress was made, and more progress will be made tomorrow. Peace.