Stealing Legos

When I was a kid, my best friends name was Rick. Rick had all the cool Legos. His parents were more well off than mine, and my mom was extremely conservative with spending, so I often was very limited in which Lego sets I could get. This combined with the fact that I was a bit of a deviant as a kid got me thinkin’. What if I just took one of his Lego characters. The character I was targeting was no other than Jango Fett. I watched so much Star Wars back then, but Jango Fett barely appeared in the episodes I got to watch. I just liked the fact that he was the blue Boba Fett, and had cool duel-wielded pistols.

One day, I was havin’ a play date at Rick’s house. Play dates were the shit. We played some Minecraft, basketball, random console games, and then the final event came. Lego time. I played, put together bricks, y’know, the usual. Then, I saw him. Jango Fett, in all his blue-armored glory. I grabbed Jango Fett, and snuck him into my pocket. Heh, he didn’t even notice.

We continued our play date, and the day went on as usual. I never got in trouble for this, and this wasn’t an isolated incident. I would go on to take Pokemon Fire Red from my friend Johnathan as well. I didn’t feel bad about this whatsoever, and I was absolutely ecstatic about the whole event.

You might ask, have I ever stole anything from a store, or anything after these two events? No, I haven’t. Brofist.