The Shitty Roommate
My roommate is a piece of shit. Before I get into why, I’ll preface something.
Abusive relationships are often two-sided, and while I can hear 90% of conversations through my apartment walls because of how thin they are, I cannot hear conversations outside of my apartment, and of course, I don’t know the past of the people I’m referencing in this blog. For the sake of myself, I’m going to assume that the patterns of abuse that I’ve been exposed to hold true throughout for the people I reference in this post.
Anyways, now that’s out of the way, back to why my roommate is human garbage. It started with the noise. While I’m no stranger to being loud late at night due to video games, my roommate takes it to another level. He sleeps all day, wakes up at about 3 or 4 pm, immediately starts playing Counter Strike Global Offensive (CSGO), a popular FPS, and doesn’t shut up until at least 2 am. This would be fine if it was the typical CSGO player, playing casually, saying call-outs in a slightly louder-than-average volume, maybe with the occasional outburst. Not my roommate. This guy does tournaments, he sweats, but he isn’t good. He constantly complains about the game (only something bad players do), whines on comms, shit talks, et cetera. This goes on non-stop until he decides he’s tired. Today, it ended at 7 am.
I’ve asked this human pile of garbage multiple times to be quiet. “Hey could you pls be a little quieter, I need to wake up early”, to which he responds “Sorry bbg I’ll keep thta in mind and keep my phone on hand”. Second instance, “Hey homie could you pls be a little quieter, ty”, to which he responds with an emoji with his mouth zippered shut. Third instance, “hate to bother but pls be quieter homie, i need some sleep”, to which he responded “sorry wasn’t worried cuz it’s saturday i hope you’re asleep. myb. ur not a bother”. Keep in mind, he only shuts the fuck up for a single night, and recently it’s only gotten worse.
Anyways, it would be one thing if this person was a cool guy who happens to be way too loud when he plays games. That isn’t the case. This guy is verbally abusive towards his girlfriend, a shitty student, and a loser. I don’t remember the last time him and his girlfriend had a normal discussion. Every, single, time that she comes over, I only hear arguments. He will scream at the top of his lungs that he “cannot save her”, that she is “human garbage”, and a “shitter”. An argument broke out last week, where from what I can tell, she started making his bed, and he responds with “what are you doing”, to which she says, “I thought making your bed would make you feel better”. He then responds with “what, you think I can’t fucking see, you think I’m blind?”. What? What an amazing line of thinking. This then leads to the loudest screaming I have heard from this guy since I’ve moved in. All I hear is her crying, as she’s too quiet to really be heard well through the walls, and he kicks her out. He then proceeds to scream so loud that I can hear him from the 3rd floor of our apartment to his car across the parking lot. He then slams the door of her car onto herself, and she leaves. What a guy!
Anyways, I had to talk about this guy. My sleep schedule this semester has been ruined, solely because of him, but I’m moving out in a few days, luckily. I really wish this guy knew how much I sincerely hated him.